As part of this year’s competition program, Star Film Fest brings 31 short films.
Anja Kavić and Martina Mladenović, who make up the selection team of Star Film Fest, from a total of 501 submitted short films have selected the films of the competition program of the upcoming eleventh edition of the SFF, which will be held from August 29th to 31st in the city of Sisak.
The competition program consists of 11 animated films, 5 documentaries, 4 experimental films and 11 fiction short films, of which a total of 24 are student films. Also, in this year’s competition program, 4 debut films await us: the feature film ‘Silent’ by director Sara Horvatić, and the experimental ‘Inversion’ by director Matija Glavač, and the animated films by the group of directors ‘Paumo D’amour’ and ‘L’Animal Sauce Ail’.
The jury and audience will award a total of 8 awards at this year’s SFF:
Award for the best industrial film,
Award for the best feature film,
Award for the best documentary film,
Award for the best experimental film,
Award for the best animated film,
Special Star Award – for the best student film,
Special Star Award – for the best film chosen by the selectors,
Stardust Award – for the best film as judged by the audience
The Special Star award for the best student film includes a money award and is awarded by a “small jury” called Stardusters, which is made up of high school students from the cities of Sisak and Petrinja.
List of films of the competition program (films are arranged randomly):
Šuma Striborova, dir Ana Despot / HR / animated
Šutim, dir Sara Horvatić / HR / feature
Pismo koje nikad nećeš dobiti, dir Danilo Lazović, Jana Marinović / RS / animated
The yellow one, dir Itana Vukosavljević / ME / feature
Inverzija, dir Matija Glavač / HR / experimental
Burial,dir. Jerzy Czachowski / PL / feature
Sea Angel, dir Tyler Dennis / SAD / animated
Curiousa, dir Tessa Moult-Milewska / UK / animated
Susjede bubice, dir Filip Zadro / HR / feature
Bjelovarac, dir Sandro Toth / HR / documentary
Jer za to treba zapeti, dir Jovana Lazin / RS / documentary
Pater Familias, dir Dina Uglešić / HR / igrani
Hands: Triptych, dir Kaja Rakušček / SI / documentary
The Ice Cream Timeline, dir Mateo Kos / HR / feature
(Un)lucky day, dir Karin Likar / SI / animated
Naglodane kosti, dir Nika Karner / SI / experimental
Draganov s(c)vet, dir Marko Vasić / RS / animated
Only the devil hates the water, dir Lidija Mojsovska / MK / feature
ALIF.DO.RE.MI, dir Alijon Jalilov / TJ / documentary
HANA, dir Fatlinda Hyseni / XK / feature
Sve uključeno, dir Marko Plejić / HR / documentary
Power Up, dir group of authors / ES / feature
Paumo D’amour, dir Ian Halley, Nathan Hermouet, Luka Croisez, Laurene Vaubourdolle, Jade Van De Veire / FR / animated
Journey of Cooking, dir Qingyi (Echo) Sun / NZ / animated
L’Animal Sauce Ail, dir Ysaline Debut, Isa Cotte, Aurelien Duches, Camille Rostan, Clement Mouchel, Diane Mazella / FR / animated
Tomorrow’s Body, dir Giulia Hrvatin / IT / experimental
Sincopat, dir Pol Diggler / ES / feature
Vestige, dir Yu-Hsuan Teng / TW / animated
CROCODILE, dir Dawid Bodzak / PL / experimental
5/3/0, dir Danilo Stanimirović / RS / feature
Chosen’t, dir Yotam Goren / IL / animated